Hey everybody! |
Gadzooks (played by PQ Ribber) - A likeable, stupid guy that everyone makes fun of. He doesn't care though. He's got a long, flashy beard. He's not married. Works at Don't Stele Me, a stone tablet shop in the next village. He is a major target for the Tabasco Sled. He's fearful of his life, as he should be. He was run over by the Tabasco Sled in and died. Or maybe not. [ALL EPISODES]
Tupp:"I see pizza!" |
Grok (played by Chad Bowers) - Outspoken lover of wild game, he really dislikes the Snow Salesman, even threatening to beat him up. Grok's energy is let out during the town talks. He simply can't keep his mouth shut! He has a suspicious love for Joe Cain Hot Sauce. In episode 01, he revealed that he has more than one wife.In episode 4, went to see Keramidas about removing a cricket from his ear. Works as a radio DJ at station WFEN 570 AM. Hosted "Love or Lust", a dating program, where Jeff met Aki and June.
Larry |
Og |
Mazenweed (played by Jeff Pollard also see) - Nanook's trippy, dope-smoking co-worker friend from work who doles out advice, even when it isn't sought. Mazenweed is an amazing person, but Nanook sees only that Mazenweed is younger competition at work. They often tease each other and that's all fun until someone loses a larynx. He often goofs off at work and he and Nanook often get in trouble. He thinks the locals are hilarious because of their stupidity. Saw Ursa Minor get startled by a rabbit out by the creek. Is married to Joanne. Has a daughter named Lisa. He's afraid of cactus getting in between his fingers.
Tum Tum (played by Milt Kanes) - Crazy driver who likes to run over people; he delivers Tabasco Sauce via sled throughout the Northern part of the regional tundra. He really dislikes Gadzooks and vice versa. Because of their national identity, the Tabasco company can afford world-class sleds. The Tabasco Sled is extremely sleek and fast and has been known to decapitate people. At least four people in Hometownville and surrounding areas have lost their lives. You best pay attention to your surroundings when the Tabasco Sled is around. I'm serious. Tum Tum also delivers Pizza via sled (for Pizza Inuit) in his spare time; also, he makes a buck here or there as he is also a snow salesman. He's clever and virtually impossible to control. He was killed when his sled went off the fjord when Timo scared his sled dogs.
K'eygasunuu (also played by Chad Bowers) - Unfriendly owner of I Scream Ice Cream. He's a wee bit
Frank (also played by Frank Edward Nora) - Owner and DJ at the WFEN 209 radio station. He's obsessed with the Grateful Dead and Phish bands. He knows about timelines. He is under the impression that he lives in the 21st century while everyone else in town lives in the early 20th century. This might be true; no one has explored this yet.
Tilimaq (also played by Shambles Constant) - He and his wife own The Burn Barn fire store. He knows Tupp and K'eygasunuu.
Fenjuu |
Fenjuu (also played by Shambles Constant) - Old fisherman who usually is in a bad mood but every so often is cheerful. He isn't mean, he just has physical problems a lot and that dampens his mood. His grandson is Fortifor. He sought Frank's advice about fish and was instead given a lesson about the band Phish.
Oobadooba (played by Jackie Constant) - Daughter of Tupp; she dislikes Tum Tum.
CPO Third Class Donald Petrie (played by PQ Ribber) - Part of Naval
expedition sent to the North Pacific to help teach inhabitants about basic science. Belongs to the British Royal Navy. Wants to be a baker. Doesn't believe Gadzooks was ever dead.
CPO Third Class Rupert Sydney (played by Ruben Schade) - Part of Naval expedition sent to the North Pacific to help teach inhabitants about basic science. Belongs to the British Royal Navy.
Keramidas (played by Shambles Constant) - The town's untrustworthy medicine man. His nurse is June. Grock came to him to get a cricket out of his ear. Went to Ice Scream ice cream with with Dennis with Tupp.
June (played by Jimbo) - Keramidas' nurse. She was at the Goth Grocery and talked to Fenjuu. She was also a 'contestant' on the "Love or Lust" dating show with Aki, which was hosted by Grok on WFEN radio.
Aki (played by Chad Bowers) - A big, but nice-looking girl, she likes to call Grock's call-in radio show on KFEN 570. She had a bird in her yard that smoked a cigarette; she thinks it broke her television. She lives by the shed. She's lonely. Weighs 230 pounds. Was a 'contestant' (along with June) on the "Love or Lust" radio dating program hosted by Grok on WFEN radio.
Po-Po (played by Smidge Kurdlebaum) -Plays drums in the band Eskimo 3.1415. Also works at the Goth Grocery as a night manager. He may not be a criminal, but he looks like a criminal, according to Nanook. He falsely accused Nanook of stealing maxi pads.
Fortifor (played by Eddie Murray) - Grandson of Fenjuu. He plays bass for the band, Eskimo 3.1415. Though few know of him, he's lived in Hometownville for many years. He talked to Tupp about measurements and Tupp's trip to the North Pole.
Dennis (played by Mike Boody) - Younger brother of Fenjuu. He lived "back East" but now resides in Hometownville. His nephew is Fortifor. He made arrangements to fet rid of Tum-Tum and hired Timo to do the job. The town promised to build him a video rental store but haven't started the job yet because of Winter. He was a member of the baking class. He joked that he wore panty hose.
Officer Pasqualik (played by Jimbo) - Did a commercial for street safety and watching out for the Tabasco sleds.
Carrie (played by Carrie Michel) - She sometimes comes to the meetings held by the white men. She likes to laugh.
Miss Spaghetti (played by Jimbo) - Works at Consolidated Kitchenware with Nanook and Mazenweed. She knows that Mazenweed smokes weed at work.
Skag "Roy" Paftus (played by Jeff) Saw the creature (later identified as Timo) in episode 06.
Jeff (played by Jeff) He was on WFEN "Love or Lust" radio show )hosted by Grok)
Timo (played by??) Monster that was hired by Dennis to get rid of Tum-Tum, the Tabasco sled driver.
Lee-Lee (played by Eddie) Head baker that taught a baking class attended by Grok, CPO Petrie, Dennis and Jimbo.
Mayor Whatchamacallit (played by Milt Kanes) The Mayor of Hometownville -- who was originally slated to interrupt all of the community igloo talks and demand a tax be paid. The only existing instance of him can be heard in the original (never used) monologue, which can be found here.
Anna Sheridan (played by Clara Tse) Impatient Marine biologist employed by the British Royal Navy to help educated the Inuit on marine biology.
Rudiger (played by Brazen Gestures) Kind caretaker of the North Pole area.
The non-speaking characters
Aunt Ujibarr'uk - Nanook's aunt who sometimes makes him clothes out of seal.
Johunka - Daughter of Larry. She is a very talented cave painter. She insists on painting the walls in deep reds and browns, which makes it almost impossible to see the painting on the walls - they are virtually invisible. Some wonder if she ever painted the walls at all?
Mr. Ursa Minor - Nanook's boss at Consolidated Kitchenware. He fell at the creek after being startled b y a rabbit, according to Mazenweed. Always in a dither.
Tiqriganiannig - Nanook's wife. He can't pronounce her name, so he just calls her "wife" or "Big Girl".
Aqpalibaaqtuq - Nanook's 10 year-old daughter. He can't pronounce her name, so he calls her, "Little Girl".
Nuniq - Elderly lady who runs Fishy Delishy, the local fast food fish place.
Ilrepute - Makes her living by... well, it's a living.
Nann - Grock's best wife. She has a car.
Inky - Grock's 18 year-old daughter. She's a singer in the Eskimo 3.1415 band.
Nocturnis - June's 13 year-old son. He enjoys eating grass (June says, "He eats like a horse.")
Vietnamese Guy - Janitor at the Community Igloo.
Ofer Shankstein - A guy that was all about crystals. He had weird visions and all kinds of odd junk. (Ep.05 "Grock talks to a little girl")
Evan Corbett - A Consolidated Kitchenware client from Mount Blackcloud.